Happy New Year!

Another year down, another year closer to death…

On a cheerier note, I had a great year all things considered. If you’ve read my Happy Thanksgiving post I’ve already listed how well 2021 went for me, but I know for a fact that 2022 is going an even bigger year for both myself and my family. Plans are well in progress and big changes are coming. I can’t wait!

A lot has changed even since my last post (I know I keep saying I’ll post more regularly but things keep popping up!). Like I mentioned in the last post, I started a new hobby nearly a year ago by buying a drone, made some amazing videos, then decided to sell it last month as I was no longer using it.

That decision then allowed me to make a series of very expensive, self-indulgent purchases leading up to Christmas. After putting it off for several years, I finally bought a beast of a custom PC and fittingly named it “Ultron” (Marvel reference), along with two 4K monitors and all the extras. Even though it set me back a few thousand pounds, what is life if you can’t treat yourself once in a while with your well-earned money?


and my £4,000 setup

For those of you with a keen perception of the obvious, you may have noticed that it’s set up for a streamer. Well one hobby out and another one in. I’ve decided to start streaming games, music and whatever else I like. Thanks to a friend who gave me the push I needed, I’ve decided to join the streaming community Twitch, because what’s a powerful 4K gaming setup if you can’t share it with the world? Feel free to follow me on Twitch if you’re into that sort of thing, and even if you’re not, just drop by and say “Hi!”, it’s a good laugh. Also, check out my friend Andy at TLoEN, he’s a seasoned pro compared to me and has been helping me every step of the way, which I’m extremely thankful for.

So 2022… It’s going to be a big one with some HUGE changes and I look forward to letting you all know how it’s gone at the end of the year.

Here’s to life and everything that’s beautiful in the world (especially the wife). Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitch, it would be much appreciated!

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