Happy Thanksgiving!

Firstly, I’m back…

Secondly, how are we still in a pandemic… Christ on a bike…

It’s been nearly a year since I’ve posted anything meaningful on here. I’ve tried to get back into it but I feel like I haven’t stopped since last Christmas, even though that’s clearly not true.

This year I bought a drone, started a YouTube channel, and uploaded some amazing aerial footage of the local area. I started my 3rd year playing American Football with Darlington Steam and grabbed a couple of touchdowns in the process, as well as being leading points scorer for the flag team this year. We went to DisneyWorld for a couple of weeks in the summer for our honeymoon, following our wedding last November. We then went back to America just over three months later to get married again (blog with photos to follow soon). I joined the gym again after I had to cancel my membership because of the first lockdown last year. And that brings us back up to date.

I hope to make more regular posts on this site now that I’ve revamped it a little, but in the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving and roll on Christmas!

Chris Kilgour