Happy New Year (and Decade)!

First of all, I hope the next decade brings you all the happiness and success in the world. Last night whilst spending new year’s with family and loved ones, I couldn’t help but look back on the past 10 years for everything that I’m thankful for such as the new people that have come into my life including friends, work colleagues, teammates, band members, and relationships (past and present).

Then there’s the negative side such as the family members I’ve lost, anyone I’ve hurt, the pain and injuries I’ve sustained doing things I enjoy, the mental health issues I’ve overcome, and the life-changing opportunities I’ve passed up which included working and living in both America and New Zealand.


Aside from all the reminiscing , I’m not usually one for looking backwards when the 31st December comes around, and I’m definitely not one for resolutions and the obligatory “new year, new me” nonsense, but psychologically I feel like I’ve got a new lease of life. Rather than looking ahead for the year, for the first time in my life I’m looking at the long-term picture at what I’d like to achieve over the next decade. People who know me well enough can definitely vouch for the fact that I never look ahead more than a day in advance, so it’s definitely new territory.

I mean, where do you start… 10 years is a hell of a long time…

Maybe I’ll start with looking one month ahead and take it from there, as I have a feeling it’s going to be a really good one!

I mean, where do you start… 10 years is a hell of a long time…


The biggest downside to 2019 was the passing away of my grandmother which was really tough, especially for my mother. Other than that though, I can’t really complain with how the year panned out. I started playing American Football in January (there will more than likely be a post solely for this), gained a promotion at work in April, went to Greece in May, I retired from Sunday League Football in June, and I visited the US in September for a few weeks. That’s it in a nutshell…


Now that 2020 has arrived, the top of my to-do list was to do something I’ve been putting off for a good six months, and that was to create this site, which I’ve started so I can tick that one off. One for one.

Another thing I plan on starting the year with is local acoustic gigs with my friend Mark who I’ve previously been in bands with in the past. He’s a good lad and a great vocalist, so we’ll see how the next couple of months pan out. I’ll be sure to keep you updated.

Me (left) & Mark (right).

Me (left) & Mark (right).

American Football training for the new season starts this Sunday, so that’s exciting, even if I am full of turkey and Dooley’s!

So that’s the near future planned out, but I have a feeling it’ll be a good year and I’ll definitely make sure of it.

Here’s to another year on planet earth, and to start the year off right I’m signing off with a quote (of a quote)…

I’m not great at farewells, so uh... That’ll do, pig
— Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), Zombieland, 2009.
Chris Kilgour