Friends, Fiancées and The Future

January was crazy. So crazy that we got engaged on 11th January, at Durham Cathedral of all places. I managed to arrange an elaborate story so that our friend Claire could take some pictures for us, which are all amazing!

The first six photos were all taken without Loren even knowing which makes them even better. Then to top it all off, there were at least a dozen people that clapped and came up to us afterwards saying congratulations and wishing us all the best for the future!

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as we do, and again a massive thank you to Claire for taking them, they’re all priceless. Claire's Facebook page is here, please check it out, especially if you’re in the North East of England.

Also, we've now booked the wedding for the end of October this year in Augusta, GA, USA.

We both couldn't be happier! Here’s to our future together…

Happy Valentine's Day!

Chris Kilgour